Residency supported by

DGArtes (Direção-Geral das Artes)
República Portuguesa
La Mobiliare
Città di Mendrísio

Guest Editor

Max Pinckers

Andrea Basileo

Tutti Frutti


Andrea Basileo is a swiss-italian photographer who is interested in human beings, using the camera tool so he can put himself in the position of both observer and storyteller.

During the residency program, Andrea could bring together the large amount of images shot between 2015 and 2022 while being a volunteer at an inclusive holiday camp for children, and go through the editing process that lead to the making of the book. The sequence is meant to give the point of view of the children, who seemed to Andrea, to have the most light hearted approach towards diversities. He went there thinking he had to explain inclusion to children, then he found out they were already giving a beautiful example, by simply playing and enjoying the holiday time, without questioning the other one’s behaviour.

Collaborating also with Max Pinckers made possible to condensate these feelings and ideas into a sequence of images of children experiencing a joyful and wild freedom.

Artist website


Catarina Osório de Castro


Laura Sperl