Eclipse / Catarina Osório de Castro


"Between sea, sun and Gods, supernatural
movements impose their cyclical and
spontaneous orbits, like the heart that
beats every second, or the tides that rise
and fall continuously.
Under the moon, the lights turn on and off,
unquiet nature covers and uncovers, playing
with man, announcing that something
is going to be revealed."

Catarina Osório de Castro

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Photographs: Catarina Osório de Castro
Editing and Sequencing: Catarina Osório de Castro, Pedro Guimarães and Tiago Casanova
Production Assistant: Nina Škarbalová and Špela Šivic
Graphic Design: Joana Durães
Prepress: Pedro Guimarães
Printing: Gráfica Maiadouro
Acknowledgement: Mãe, Avó, Emília, Gonçalo Salema, Sara Chang, Gonçalo Costa, Hugo Bernardo, Hugo Zuzarte, João Pombeiro, Xavier Almeida, Raquel Ferreira, Ana Braz, Vicky, Omar, Pedro Guimarães, Tiago Casanova

XYZ Books
21,5 x 21,5 cm
Offset Printing
First edition
ISBN: 978-989-35169-0-4

Institutional Partners:
República Portuguesa
DGArtes (Direção-Geral das Artes)