French Cross Stitch Binding


Karola Mech


French Cross Binding is ideal for photo books with an open spine or hardcover. It gives the possibility for the book to be opened completely flat. The spine is decorative and can be left open.

Come and join this 4 and a half hours workshop with our special guest Karole Mech, where you will do your own notebook with this technique.

Registration is required.

Karola Merch

Karola Mech (1983, Poland) is an experienced photographer and bookbinder with a big heart for photo books. She received MA in Graphic Arts from Jan Matejko Fine Arts Academy in Krakow, Poland and participated in several workshops given by photo book professionals, like Markus Shaden or Bas Vroege. They inspired her to be more profound in making photo books and to give her own classes at the PhotoQ Workshops. She started to self-publish during her internship in Japan in 2012. Her most recent book “It will surely be a good weather tomorrow” is made with skill and perfection. (By Vanya Pieters)

Practical Information

Minimum participants: 4
Maximum participants: 8

Price: 35€
Contact for registration:

Deadline: 7th of June
Workshop: 10th of June (National Holiday) - 14:30 / 19:00


Touching Permitted


Opening A Ilha