You disappeared in complete silence

22.04. > 11.06.

Christiane Peschek


A Ilha and XYZ Bookshop welcome Austrian artist Christiane Peschek who will be presenting hes most recent project "You disappeared in complete silence". Solo exhibition opening on April 22nd from 7 pm.

You disappeared in complete silence

I try to understand the power of imagination. Both, conceptually as well as visually, I try to bridge the gap between what I physically remember and the assembled world of visual memories. The camera is a tool for my personal and anecdotal remembrance. In that case the process of my work is guided by the failure of photographical captures and the exploration of life.

Partly biographical, partly as an observer from the outside I search for the facets and roles of emotions. I submit myself to that process and come across absence, bonds and relationships, dissipate and reconstruct these to always invent a new image of the world.

I'm interested in stories. In fictions. Fictions that come from behind us, and that we understand as the past or history and fictions that go beyond or forward us, and that we understand as the future. In the middle, the drill in which we are standing, which we define as reality or the present, and from which we perceive and build, through imagination (or personal memory + cultural memory + senses), both movements: the past and the future.

Through my work I deconstruct the mechanisms behind storytelling. (Re-)building new possible fictions I put in evidence the devices of discourse construction and offer a new interpretation of a constructed reality. Reality can only be suspected, never known.

In my current body of work "You disappeared in complete silence" I used the forest as a construction and reconstruction of love. In several photographs, objects and texts I refer to Jorge Luis Borges' theory of the construction of reality.

I create a forest as a metaphor for the constructed emotional "space" between two lovers. At the same time I deal with their physical absence in the picture. I combine texts, objects and photographed interventions to contemplate about the different steps in an emotional relationship: The idea of love that turns into escaping reality. The moment once a relationship fails and the attempt to reconstruct it through it's memories and traces.

The 47 images and several texts in this project therefore are the result of a search for the existence of love and a collection of possible realities.

Support by Embaixada da Áustria em Lisboa.

Christiane Peschek

Christiane Peschek (Salzburg, 1984) studied at the Academy of Fine Arts of Vienna and at the University of Applied Arts of Vienna. Her work has been internationally shown in several group and solo exhibitions such as Fotohof Salzburg, Museum of Applied Arts Vienna, CASM Barcelona and Triennale of Photography, as well as on different Photofestivals such as Encontros da Imagem Braga, PhotoIreland, Triennial of Photography Hamburg and Circulations Paris and different Galleries around Europe.

She won several prizes such as the START Stipendium for Artistic Photography by the Austrian Government and the Portfolio Review of PhotoIreland in 2014. She was shortlisted in Festivals and Awards such as Lugano Photo Days, Chimera Art Award and Becas Roberto Villagraz Award.

Her work is part of the Voies Off Editions Arles and represented through Anzenberger Agency Vienna.

Her book "Invisibles" was published by Einer Books, Oslo.

Lives and works in Vienna, Austria.


Book Presentations


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